Does IFAnet specialise in an insurance discipline?

No we provide access to distribution for the full product ranges for all of the product providers that we represent.

Does IFAnet charge a fee for membership?

The IFAnet does not charge the broker for membership, all broker contracts are also held in the broker’s name and he/she retains 100% of regulated broker commission.

What cost is there to the broker if he chooses to move away from IFAnet?

A broker holds all his/her contracts with our Preferred Product Providers in his/her own name. At the point that the choice is made to terminate their association as an IFAnet member, the broker has the freedom to move all of these contracts with him/her, with no restrictions from IFAnet.

Does IFAnet provide the broker with Compliance Support?

The IFAnet does not offer direct compliance solutions or admin solutions for a broker’s practice. However, we do provide compliance information and are therefore able to direct broker’s to providers of compliance solutions. These providers are able to present their unique offering to the broker at which point he/she will make an educated decision for his/her own business practice.



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